Prey speedrunner beats the game in 20 minutes

Prey speedrunner beats the game in 20 minutes

It looks like the 2017 release of Prey is unlikely to be one of those titles that speedrunners play for years, trying to bring down the time by a few seconds here and there and occasional minute chunks when new glitches are discovered. Mere days after the game's release, one enterprising speedrunner has managed to complete the game in just 20 minutes, by exploiting the game's glue cannon.

DraQu originally set the record at 45 minutes just two days after the game debuted, but already he's back with a new record and it's one that will be supremely hard to beat.

He uses a recycler glitch to receive unlimited items, before spraying glue in such a fashion as to build platforms to previously inaccessible areas, which then let him clip out of the game world and wander right through to the finale.

You can watch the speedrun in the video below, but beware that much of the game's story is spoiled, even if DraQu does fly through it all at speed. As PCGamesN highlights for us, you can safely watch to around the eight-minute mark, but after that, you'll be seeing some of the game's much deeper story elements, even if they do whizz past as DraQu sprints through the game.

If you want to see how DraQu is progressing, at the last count he was still speedrunning the game, so you can see live if he manages to break through that 20-minute barrier. Presumably, it won't take him long, but the fact that the game takes such a short period of time suggests it won't be one of those long-standing speedrun goals.