PopCap Claims Casual Games Help Reduce Obesity

PopCap Claims Casual Games Help Reduce Obesity

A PopCap.co.uk pilot study that set out to assess if casual gaming could aid weight loss has revealed that casual gaming could be an effective tool in the fight against obesity by helping dieters control their cravings.

The trial, conducted in January 2009, was hampered by some participants not finishing the trial but for those who did complete the trial, playing PopCap's Bejeweled Twist to distract from snack attacks had 100% success in beating cravings and lifting mood. PopCap.co.uk is so encouraged by the initial findings that the company has committed to conducting further research into the positive health benefits of casual gaming later in the year.

UK dietician, Nigel Denby, who conducted the research, commented: "While trial results were scientifically inconclusive due to a low number of participants completing the month-long programme, there were some interesting findings. For those who finished the trial, we saw that on all occasions Bejeweled Twist was used, it prevented eating due to a craving, with participants reporting forgetting about their cravings whilst playing the game."

"In addition to forgetting about cravings, these respondents also reported that their mood improved or changed following gameplay. Mood is a major cravings trigger for many dieters, with stress at work, anger, or sadness commonly reported as flashpoints. Distraction is a well established method to help people overcome stress related food cravings."