Pokemon TCG coming to iPads today

Pokemon TCG coming to iPads today

If there's one surprising genre that's seen a lot of growth in gaming over the past year, it's collectible and trading card games. Be it Magic the Gathering's increased presence on PC and consoles, or the birth of Kickstarter successes like Hex, or Blizzard's phenomenally popular Hearthstone, card games are doing very well at the moment.

So it's not any real surprise that one of the longest running card games, Pokemon the TGC, is now coming to iPads, having been available on PCs through the official website for some time now.

Featuring all the battling, booster opening, card trading action of the real world card game and online version, you can even buy promo codes in the real world and redeem them online for added bonuses.

There's cross platform play for those that don't have an iPad and want to play their Apple gadget toting friends, though those wishing to try out the new iOS version will need a third generation iPad or newer, with a retina display for it to work correctly.

Any Pokemon TCG players read Megagames? If so, will you give this port a try?