Pokemon Go has you catching Pokemon in the real world

Pokemon Go has you catching Pokemon in the real world

Perhaps the guys at The Pokemon Company feel bad for having kids of all ages walking around a digital world catching pokemon, while in reality they sit on their butts. That's no way to exercise, so to remedy that it has, along with Nintendo and Niantic labs, created a Pokemon game that involves walking around the real world.

It operates much like the classic colored titles of old, but this one is an app on your smartphone. As you walk around your day to day life, or make special trips to go on the hunt, you'll occasionally find Pokemon of various levels. They'll need capturing, training and looking after, but if you do well enough, they can be battled against your fellow players, just like on the portable games.

The video trailer implies there may be special events to catch certain rarer pokemon too, such as battling Mewtwo as a collective.

For the really dedicated too, there will be a specialised wearable that lets you catch Pokemon without your phone if needed, as well as giving you vibration and light alerts when you're near something rare.

Pokemon Go is set for release in 2016.

Is this the Pokemon MMO we've always wanted?