Pokémon Go developer issues statement to annoyed players

Pokémon Go developer issues statement to annoyed players

Pokémon players have always been a passionate lot, so it's no surprise that with Niantic's created, Pokémon Go, the new players of that related title are also quite serious about their Pokémon catching. The removal of the tracking system sent them into overload however, with a number of players quitting the game, many others asking for refunds and generally stinking up the web with derisive comments about Niantic.

Well now the developer has (finally) responded. Although the statement isn't particularly detailed and doesn't really offer a solution or an end in sight for those angered by the tracking removal, it does at least show Niantic is listening to some extent.

" We have removed the ‘3-step’ display in order to improve upon the underlying design. The original feature, although enjoyed by many, was also confusing and did not meet our underlying product goals. We will keep you posted as we strive to improve this feature," the Niantic statement reads, via Facebook.

It went on to blame third party mapping services as the reason for much of the server instability, claiming their API calls were behind lag and slowdowns over the past couple of weeks, though it didn't go far enough to say that the tracking takedown was there to stop them from working.

Niantic did however promise to try and keep better communication lines open with players and would try and bring the game to every territory in the near future, specifically targeting Brazil.

How do you feel about Niantic's statement? Does it ring true, or a little hollow?