Playstation 3 Videos Can Be Downloaded Only Once

Playstation 3 Videos Can Be Downloaded Only Once Playstation 3 Videos Can Be Downloaded Only Once

Sony's video store has been launched just a while ago, and users are already complaining about its restrictive "no re-downloading" policy.

Most users don't read the EULA (End User License Agreement) before clicking "I Agree", but in Sony's Video Store case, the EULA clearly states that "Purchased content can be downloaded to a single PLAYSTATION 3 or a single PSP system" and that "Content cannot be redownloaded once it has been downloaded to either a PLAYSTATION 3 or PSP system."

Downloaded movies cannot be moved to another Playstation 3 or hard disk (even on the same console). This means that after downloading a few movies, PSN games, demos and trailers, you'll end up filling your hard disk space and being forced to delete some of them.

When asked for comment, Lincoln Davis, who handles media relations for the PlayStation Network, said that "If a consumer deletes a purchased movie from their PS3, they will not be able to redownload the movie without assistance from SCEA's consumer services. Consumer service can issue a redownload as a one-time courtesy, as provided by our guidelines, for the title to allow the consumer to go back and download the movie from their PSN download list."