Playstation 3 Gets Its Own RROD

Playstation 3 Gets Its Own RROD

While Xbox 360 suffered from an RROD epidemic through its first months in retail, Playstation 3 passed its first year and half gracefully as the superior hardware who never fails. But we might be standing at the turning point for Playstation 3 failure-free spree.

After all that time with no reported Playstation 3 Hardware failures, reports about a specific failure started to show up independently around the world. The affected consoles display an error message on boot up, reading "Error 80010514".

Interesting enough, Sony doesn't seem to know a lot about that error, but they suggested rebooting and restoring factory defaults to fix affected Playstation 3 consoles. Unfortunately, that didn't work.
Further analysis done by hardware enthusiasts traced the problem to (1) a faulty sector on the internal hard drive, or (2) a faulty installation of software/firmware.

There is no known fix for error 80010514 so if you get it, contact Sony to replace your console.