PlayStation 3 Cracked, Almost

PlayStation 3 Cracked, Almost

With the arrival of every new console comes a race for hackers to crack their way through the new toy's security and it seems that PlayStation 3 is finally going down, a mere six months after its release date.

The hack, which allows PlayStation 3 to boot up backup (copied/pirated) games, uses an exploit found only in firmware versions 1.10 and 1.11. Judging by PSP cracking history, firmware downgraders and firmware swappers would be released to help players who have already upgraded their firmware to later versions, but not before the hack proves its worth.

But the hack is not yet complete. The new hack gets the game to boot but the game doesn't actually play. The hack also doesn't allow unsigned (homebrew) games to run. So there is still some way to go; just a few more steps.