Playstation 2 Is Still The Most Used Console

Playstation 2 Is Still The Most Used Console

After surveying a thousand Tokyo Game Show visitors, the General Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA) found that Sony's last gen PlayStation 2 is still the most used console in Japan.

70% of the persons surveyed indicated that they still play frequently on their PlayStation 2s. Close second and third were Nintendo's DS and Sony's PSP who were being played by 68.7% and 68.6% consequently.

Nintedno's Wii was played by 56.7 of the respondents, Playstation 3 by 47.7% and Xbox 360 by 19.6% only.

31% of the attendants indicated that they'd purchase a 3DS or a Playstation 3 in the near future and 23% plan to buy an Xbox 360.