Play at 1440P or 4K? You're in the minority

Play at 1440P or 4K? You're in the minority

Three-quarters of all Steam gamers still play at 1080P or below, with only a handful playing at anything higher than that, despite many considering 1440P gaming the perfect balance of speed, resolution, and price for a number of years and 4K monitors today costing just a few hundred dollars for even decent mid-range solutions.

This detail comes out of the latest Steam survey results (via PCGamesN) which show that the most popular gaming resolution, by far, is still 1080P, with more than 62 percent of all Steam gamers playing at that resolution. Just 0.9 percent play at the comparable, 16:10 resolution of 1,920 x 1,200.

The next highest resolution is actually 1,366 x 768, if you can believe it, with some 13.5 percent of gamers sporting a monitor with that resolution, or at least gaming at it to maintain high performance. Other popular entry-level resolutions include 1,440 x 900, with 3.5 percent gaming at that detail level, and 1,600 x 900, with another 3.5 percent.

But what about top-tier gaming resolutions like 1440P (2,560 x 1,440) and 4K (3,840 x 2,160)? Those are far, far less. The former has just 3.6 percent of gamers sporting it -- this writer is one of that limited number -- while 4K is present on just 1.32 percent of Steam gaming systems.

What resolution do you game at? If it's 1080P or less, how come you haven't upgraded to something more impressive yet?