Platinum Games: Only A Woman Could Have Designed Bayonetta

Platinum Games: Only A Woman Could Have Designed Bayonetta Platinum Games: Only A Woman Could Have Designed Bayonetta Platinum Games: Only A Woman Could Have Designed Bayonetta Platinum Games: Only A Woman Could Have Designed Bayonetta Platinum Games: Only A Woman Could Have Designed Bayonetta

Famous for her sexiness, you might get shocked to discover that Bayonetta wasn't designed by a man.

"It had been already decided to make an action game which has a female main character," the game's producer, Yusuke Hashimoto, explained. "The concept of Bayonetta's design was 'a witch who came back to life in the present.' We were particular about giving her costume a modern arrangement whilst retaining some elements of the traditional view of a witch."

"The designer who created Bayonetta is a female herself, so the costumes and accessories show the touch and detail that could only come from a woman's sensibility."