Planetary Annihilation now has titans

Planetary Annihilation now has titans

A new update for the crowd-funded world destroying RTS, Planetary Annihilation, has added a new terror to be wary of: planet wrecking titans. Not all of them have quite the same impact as rocket boosting an asteroid into your enemy's homeworld, but they do pack quite a punch.

This is an official expansion for Planetary Annihilation and along with the monstrous titans, it also includes a new tutorial, new (smaller) units, extra terrain and levels, balance changes, unit wreckage a new bounty game mode and better notifications. Anyone who backed the game on Kickstarter will receive the expansion for free, while anyone that already owns the base game can get it at 66 per cent off.

The titans themselves come in varied forms, some walk, some swim, some fly, but all of them can stomp entire armies and do enormous damage to clustered units. Not all are meant to destroy individual armies though. The Ragnarok titan will implode the planet it's found on once completed.

So once it's started, you better stop it if there's anything on that world that you want saved.

Another, the Helios, can act as a teleportation platform for units, letting you send them far across the system in the blink of an eye, while the Zeus, Ares and Atlas are your more typical unit type end-game warmachines.

Do any of you own PA? If so, what do you think of the new additions?