Philipino pro gamers can now acquire sports visas

Philipino pro gamers can now acquire sports visas

Bringing together the best professional gamers in the world just got a little easier, as now gamers from the Philippines can be granted sporting visas to bring them into the U.S. to compete in the top tier tournaments. Although there has been some difficulty there in the past, both TNC Pro Team and Execration have been granted visas in the lead up to the DotA 2 International World Championships in just over a week's time.

Part of the previous problems with the visa system for pro-gamers is that while they are competing, their contests aren't always considered sports by everyone. When that happens, sometimes those professionals can't leave their own country, or get into the one hosting the next major tournament, which is understandably detrimental to a pro-gamer's career.

Even in the case of this Phillippines success story, as ESPN reports, it relied on a law from 1976 to grant the visas, so in the future that law will need to be updated to specifically include pro-gamers in it.

Indeed the Phillippines actually sees pro-gaming as a strong growth industry for the country. The government there is looking to increase its supervision and cultivation of the industry, stating that it hopes to guide its development in the coming years. In that respect, the small-country could end up being a pioneer in the region, which although containing a strong and dedicated player base, doesn't see the kind of international success as other countries like China and South Korea.

"In basketball, it's no secret that minors often get their break into the professional scene," said attorney Ermar U. Benitez. "Rather than impede that, the GAB just makes sure that all parties -- including the players and their families -- are protected. We want the same for esports."