Phantom European Launch - Sometime

Phantom European Launch - Sometime Phantom European Launch - Sometime

Most of us would bee justified to think that Phantom has missed its chance to surface and make some business in the games market. It seems that the imminent launch of the next-generation of consoles has overtaken the system making it seem more or less obsolete. Infinium Labs however, is not willing to give up and has resurfaced in the sidelines of the Games Market show in Europe.

Infinium Labs CEO Kevin Bachus promised that the service will be coming to Europe soon though he stopped short of giving us an actual date for its arrival. The question marks over the future of the Phantom gaming service, advertised as providing access to a library of games through a broadband connection, remains shaky in the mind of most gamers. The hardware of the console (AMD XP2500+, GeForce 5700 and 256 MB RAM) does not seem adequate to handle all of today's games let alone those that will be coming soon and similar services that are console independent like Turner's GameTap have already cropped up.

It is hard to see a future for Phantom unless it launches as a retro service (similar to GameTap) and forgets about any promises of premium content. A hardware change at this stage would seem an exercise in fiscal suicide.