Phantom Closer to Reality

Phantom Closer to Reality Phantom Closer to Reality

Infinium Labs announced the launch of a new Web site for its revolutionary on-demand console system, the Phantom. The new, feature-rich site intends to demonstrate Infinium Labs' commitment to technology and offer consumers a preview of what lies in store when the Phantom is unleashed in 2004.

Stories about the console have ranged from the extremely optimistic as to its potential to reports suggesting that the whole story may be a hoax. Behind the diversity of opinions regarding Phantom lies the simple fact that no-one knows anything about the product. All we have to chew on is what the company throws our way and that, so far, has been the usual selection of superlatives.

Some further features of the games device have been announced and it is almost certain that during this years E3 show we will get the chance to find out a lot more about the technical specs behind the console which, it is claimed, will be the fastest available on its launch, in the summer of 2003.
According to Infinium Labs, the console's manufacturers, the Phantom will be a next generation game console that will support games on demand, game rentals, game demos, seamless upgrades and patch management. At launch, the Phantom will be the fastest console on the market and will include a broad selection of pre-loaded games, games on-demand and game rentals.

The game console is an always on broadband device which will allow gamers a wealth of options, from wireless connectivity to massive multiplayer capability to allowing gamers to demo games before purchasing or subscribing.
From all that we can assume that the Phantom will follow the XBox paradigm attempting to become a Games only PC, running all regular PC titles. If that is the case, Infinium Labs have to convince gamers why exactly they should purchase their product when most of them will already own a PC.

It is still too early to say much about the Phantom's prospects but no one would envy Infinium Labs as they are about to enter the cut-throat, saturated and extremely competitive world that is the console market.

Follow the download tab above to find the link to the web site which is visually impressive though still vague about the product.