Peter Molyneux doesn't think the current indie scene will last

Peter Molyneux doesn't think the current indie scene will last

One of the best parts of being a PC gamer at the moment, is that we are absolutely spoiled for choice when it comes to innovative indie games. We can cry over the latest AAA title being a cookie cutter of last year's version, but there's so much indie material that's cheap and readily available, whether it's through GoG, Steam Early Access / Greenlight, Humble Bundle or any number of other sources.

But videogame veteran Peter Molyneux doesn't think it's going to last.

Comparing the curreny climate it to the 80s bedroom coding scene, Molyneux believes that before long all the best indie developers will be bought up by corporations and then they'll become the AAA studios of tomorrow.

"Don't think we're going to be all indies for the next five years - these things go in cycles, just like in the music business. You have a time where punk is big, and then you have times like now where everything is manufactured.

"Enjoy this time, because inevitably it will only last a short period," he said to CVG.

Of course this ignores the fact that he himself went through that same cycle and has ended up back doing indie (albeit well funded) games. So it works out in the end I suppose?

Also, the scene is vastly different now than it was in the 80s. Distribution is immeasurably better, developers can make money more easily than ever before and there's a real appetite for new experiences. If anything, the big danger is there being too much choice.

While I can see what he means about cycles, I can't ever see PC gaming becoming totally dominated by corporate games. It's just too easy to access great indie content nowadays.

What do you guys think?

Photo Source: Petter Martensson