Perfect Dark Zero - Multiplayer Details

Perfect Dark Zero - Multiplayer Details Perfect Dark Zero - Multiplayer Details Perfect Dark Zero - Multiplayer Details

For some time now we've been hearing "leaked" news of XBox 360 hardware and specs but not much about what really matters, the games. Microsoft found out the hard way that a console needs a considerable arsenal of games if it is to prevail in an extremely volatile but lucrative market.

In an interview on a gaming radio station, members of the all-girl Psychotic Man Slayez (PMS) clan, revealed details of their hands-on experience with the most anticipated launch title for the new Microsoft console; Perfect Dark Zero.

The Perfect Dark franchise is believed by many to be the reason behind Microsoft's acquisition of Rare in 2002. Halo proved that any self-respecting console will need a decent FPS launch title if it is to enter gamer consciousness with a Bang and Rare's Perfect Dark sequel has the potential to deliver. When the original game released for the N64 in 2000, gamers showed their approval by elevating superspy Joanna Dark's status to instant cult. The game was thought of as the rightful heir to another Rare classic, GoldenEye 007.

As you would expect the game carries with it a pedigree which is bound to make the sequel a highly anticipated title and the fact that Rare has been working on it since 2001 also promises a lot of depth.

According to PMS the multiplayer visual and gameplay style of Perfect Dark Zero will remind gamers of a stealth-capable version of Counter-Strike. Even in multiplayer the game will revolve around the various weapons and gadgets that players will be able to get their hands on. The PMS girls mentioned an invisibility-gun, a jetpack as well as the usual variety of brute-force firepower which the modern gamer demands.

During their time with Perfect Dark Zero, members of the clan got to find out exactly what that camera-like device (pictured with the console in the launch party images) will do. Working as a scanner, the device captured one clan member's entire body and used the image obtained as an in-game avatar.

One detail revealed about the gameplay by the clan was that the multiplayer version of the game will feature multiple spawn points, allowing quick re-entry for fragged players. We are assuming that the points will have been picked in such a way as to allow for balance in each map.

Since the PMS girls have been chosen by Microsoft to preview the console, we have to pay special attention when they claim that Perfect Dark Zero is already in alpha and that the MTV special will not feature any PDZ details.