Pathalogic forces you to choose who and how to save

Pathalogic forces you to choose who and how to save

Pathalogic, a Kickstarter funded remake of an original survival, mystery game has a new trailer out showing off some of the game's more eccentric elements, including three 'doctors' which will offer you different ways of saving the townsfolk, who during the game are ravaged by plague.

Perhaps you'll opt to save yourself and run, or pray to the gods? Maybe you'll work your way back to patient zero and figure out a way to create a vaccine. These are options you'll have to weigh up as you progress through the game, all the while trying to avoid an enemy that you can't see and can't kill.

It will all depend on which character you choose to posses, and how you interact with the townsfolk as you explore the world. Who to save will be a major choice wherever you go, as will whether to prioritise yourself, or the people dying around you.

All in all, you'll have 12 days to solve the mysteries and save the town with free roaming available at all times. It's down to you to make the choices necessary to make it to the end.

While currently going through its Kickstarter campaign, the game is set to be made whether it receives its funding or not, the campaign was just a way to generate more funds for polish and potentially extended features. Chances are it will make it to its goal anyhow, since it has two weeks left and less than 10 per cent to raise.

Pathologic is set for release on Windows PC, MAC, Linux, Xbox One and PS4 some time in late 2016.