Paragon gameplay footage revealed

Paragon gameplay footage revealed

Epic Games has finally revealed to the world what Paragon is all about and... it's another MOBA. This time it's closer to the "Gigantic" shooter MOBA from Motiga and Blizzard's Overwatch than League of Legends, but it's said to combine the perspective of SMITE with more visceral combat than any other titles in the genre and it kind of looks that way from the gameplay trailer.

Epic has been teasing Paragon for a while now, showing off some of the classes of characters, but now we've seen the laning environment, the jungles, the creeps, the towers and the bases that must be destroyed too. All of it seems a little different with the camera angle so close to the floor, but it does give the world a much grander, more epic feel than traditional MOBAs.

In the gameplay trailer we see some much more up close action, with characters using abilities, stomping minions and lots and lots of pretty particles and lighting effects.

Unreal Engine 4 sure is pretty.