Paragon draft picks are ripe for trolling

Paragon draft picks are ripe for trolling

If you enjoy playing Draft mode in Paragon, be aware that there's a system in place that seems ripe for exploiting by dastardly trolls. If anyone in a party fails to pick a champion three times in a row, then the entire group is suspended from the game for an hour.

Although this system is clearly in place to discourage people from being a pain and wasting everyone's time in the draft process, it seems incredibly exploitable to screw over a number of people and prevent them from playing for an extended time period.

Of course the trolls would knock themselves out of a game too, but for some that won't matter - they have nothing better to do.

Penalties for Draft Dodging are as follows:

1st Dodge – 5 min
2nd Dodge – 20 min
3rd Dodge – 60 min, etc

"We implemented it this way to avoid scenarios where players can dodge unfavorable comps with a ‘back up’ player or account that is not penalised and can hop in. While this may not happen all the time, we wanted to go forward with the design to reduce dodged lobbies and provide more matches for players," said Epic in a chat with PCInvasion.

You have to admire Epic's strong stance against draft dodging, but it does leave us wondering if it will be that long before the world is inundated with people saying they've been barred from playing because someone else on their team was an ass.

What do you think?