Pachter Ridicules The Notion Of A Handheld Xbox

Pachter Ridicules The Notion Of A Handheld Xbox

A few days ago, Microsoft corporate vice president Shane Kim stated that Microsoft is committed to entering the handheld consoles market. Today, the famous game analyst Michael Pachter ridiculed this idea.

"I don't see Microsoft as being competitive in handheld gaming," Pachter said. "The Zune has been a commercial disaster, and their core Xbox consumer is too old to carry a handheld gaming device."

"The DS skews very young, the iPhone very old, and the PSP in between. Microsoft would have to take the PSP and the iPhone on in order to succeed. I don't see this happening in the foreseeable future," he concluded.

Note: The picture alongside this article is just an amateur sketch of what would a handheld Xbox look like. It has nothing to do with Microsoft or the real thing.