Only "Limited Quantity" Of Valve's Vive Will Be Available In 2015

Only "Limited Quantity" Of Valve's Vive Will Be Available In 2015

Valve and HTC have promised to beat Oculus and Sony to the punch by releasing their Vive virtual reality headset before the end of 2015; but that doesn't mean that you'll get to put your hand on it before 2016.

Valve is still technically committed to its promise, however there is one caveat: only a "limited quantity" will be delivered in 2015 with "larger quantities" to be shipped in Q1 2016 – the same launch timeframe for Oculus Rift and Sony's Morpheus.

Valve didn't clarify how limited the initial quantity will be, but it said that its target audience in Q4 2015 is "community and developers." Nonetheless, the company still maintains that Vive will be "the first complete VR system heading to consumers."

Valve also confirmed that more than 80 games are currently in production for the Vive headset.