One fan recreated Terminator 2 inside GTA V

One fan recreated Terminator 2 inside GTA V

The Grand Theft Auto games have always been great at recreating iconic scenes from movies and TV shows because they're so open. That's only become easier in recent years thanks to advanced camera tricks and an even more detailed world. Even with that in mind though, it's still no less impressive that a team of Russian players have managed to recreate much of the Terminator 2 movie inside the game.

With a running time of over an hour, the production is really quite impressive. It's in Russian only, with the creators saying they will soon release a subtitled version of it, but have no plans to release a full English translation.

Still, it hits all of the main points from the movie, from the exciting opening, to pseudo-Arnold's nude trip into a local bar, right through to his fiery end, thumbs up and all.

As much as some of the slower scenes do a great job of recreating the tense aspects of the movie, some of the action scenes are even more impressive. They look very much like the real deal and thanks to GTA V's strong physics engine and some impressive camera work from the creators, the car chases, in particular, look very close to the original film.

There are a few scenes left out, but the whole thing is very watchable. If you haven't seen T2 in a while and fancy a different take on it, this isn't a bad watch at all.