Official Playstation App Coming Soon To iPhone And Android

Official Playstation App Coming Soon To iPhone And Android Official Playstation App Coming Soon To iPhone And Android Official Playstation App Coming Soon To iPhone And Android

Sony announced today that a Playstation app will make its way to the iPhone, iPod and Android phones "very soon."

The official list of version 1 features reads as follows:

In version 1.0 you'll be able to:

  • Check out your PlayStation Network trophies and keep up to date with your friends' games and online status.
  • Discover all the latest games, news and hardware for your PlayStation 3, PSP and PlayStation 2.
  • Read all the announcements on the European PlayStation.Blog.
  • Share your favourite products or news with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or via e-mail.

Sony promised to add "a ton of features" to the Playstation app in the next few months.