Oculus Rift Confirmed For Q1 2016 Consumer Release

Oculus Rift Confirmed For Q1 2016 Consumer Release Oculus Rift Confirmed For Q1 2016 Consumer Release

Oculus VR confirmed that the consumer version of its highly anticipated virtual reality headset, Oculus Rift, will be available in stores within the first 3 months of 2016.

The final version of the Oculus Rift will be based on the recently released Crescent Bay prototype with "an improved tracking system that supports both seated and standing experiences, as well as a highly refined industrial design, and updated ergonomics for a more natural fit."

Oculus VR will start accepting Oculus Rift preorders before the end of the year. The company promises to release more concrete info on the hardware, software, input, and unannounced made-for-VR games and experiences coming to the Rift over the next few weeks.

Be sure to hit the gallery for the first look at the final Oculus Rift design.