NY Times Continues PS3 Assault

NY Times Continues PS3 Assault

The New York times have continued their assault on Sony's PlayStation 3 console and have now gone so far as to recommend that readers do not buy the new hardware but instead focus on the XBox 360 or Nintendo's Wii.

The NY Times story suggests that Sony's product does not deliver what it should, considering the hype and the overnight queues during its launch. The article's author even goes so far as to state, No problem. In fact, if you are anything other than a complete Sony fanboy (that's Internet lingo for an obsessed, myopic groupie) go ahead and forget about the PlayStation 3 this year. Even if you find one, the overhyped PS3 does not deliver an entertainment experience commensurate with its cost ($599 for the top version, not including special cables to connect to a high-definition TV), and falls short of its main competition in important ways.

The story goes on to compare Microsoft's and Sony's console's on various factors such as the available selection of games, the online element and ease of use in which Microsoft's console beats its rival, according to the NY Times. In the categories of film playback and graphics the NY Times story accepts that the consoles may be evenly matched although the author suggests that these are not adequate reasons to buy the PS3.

The story may be viewed as hostile by Playstation fans but it is important to note that the author does not dismiss the console altogether, instead he makes sure to mention that the Playstation 3 may mature and become a viable gaming and entertainment option in the coming year(s) as its availability issues are resolved, game developers get to grips with the Cell processor and the war of the DVDs finds a winner. For the time being and this holiday season however, the NY Times recommends that hardcore gamers purchase the XBox 360 and those seeking a fun all-round entertainment experience go for the Wii.