Nvidia RTX 2070 Ti won't boost memory, but will be 10-15 percent faster

Nvidia RTX 2070 Ti won't boost memory, but will be 10-15 percent faster

Rumors of a refreshed lineup of Nvidia RTX cards have been doing the rounds for a few months and Nvidia's own "super" tease did little to calm them. The latest is an alleged leak of specifications for an RTX 2070 Ti which boosts CUDA core counts by around 10 percent, and clock speed by 150MHz. That equates to a roughly 10-15 percent uptick in performance, we're told, though memory will not be touched.

The rumor doing the rounds recently was that Nvidia was going to replace its 2060, 2070, and 2080 cards with newer versions with 16Gbps memory, rather than the 14Gbps they currently have. However, the new specifications leaked via WCCFTech, suggests memory will remain at 14Gbps and it will be the CUDA core counts and clock speeds will increase.

The 2070 Ti will reportedly have 2,560 CUDA cores (as opposed to the 2,304 in the 2070 and 2,944 in the 2080) and its boost clock frequency will reach 1,770MHz.

It's not clear if this new SKU would be part of the Super line up of Nvidia cards, but it seems likely to slot into the lineup between the RTX 2070 and 2080, offering roughly comparable performance to both but at a middle of the pack price. Say $600, or so.

Perhaps what we'll see is this card fleshing out the standard RTX lineup, while "Super" versions of each card will have faster memory to offer greater performance at a slightly increased price.

Do you think any of this will take the shine off of AMD's upcoming RX 5000 launch?