Nvidia Licenses SLI To AMD

Nvidia Licenses SLI To AMD

For the first time since AMD acquired ATI in 2006 and became Nvidia's main competitor, Nvidia has agreed to license SLI technology to motherboards with AMD chipsets.

Tom Peterson, Nvidia's director of technical marketing, justified refusing to license SLI to motherboards with AMD chipsets by saying that "in recent years, AMD's stature as the preferred gaming CPU fell by the wayside and Intel CPUs have been the gamers' choice. For this reason, we've only licensed SLI for motherboards with Intel chipsets."

"However, we've been recently hearing chants of "SLI for AMD CPUs", and figured that now is a great time to do it. After all, we want to make sure gamers can benefit from the new CPU competitive landscape and ensure they have NVIDIA SLI."

The first AMD chipsets to work with Nvidia's SLI are AMD's 990FX, 990X and 970 chipsets.