Nvidia GameWorks trailer reminds why it's good to be a PC Gamer

Nvidia GameWorks trailer reminds why it's good to be a PC Gamer

The whole "PC Master Race" thing, while funny, is often so over the top in its pomposity that it can leave you feeling far from loyal to your PC Gaming brethren. But now and again something comes along to remind you why you're still friends with them. PC gaming is just beautiful.

That's very apparent in the newly released trailer for Nvidia's GameWorks which uses Rainbow Six Siege cranked to its utmost to deliver a truly spellbinding showcase of what PC gaming looks like at the tail end of 2015 and it's glorious.

The two key technologies showcased in the video are TXAA which combines hardware anti-aliasing, with a temporal filter and custom anti-aliasing resolve to reduce flicker and improve the smooth look of models; and Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion, or HBAO+.

That delivers deeper and more realistic shadows and more accurate lighting occlusion.

Sure we may not be making leaps like we did when the first Crysis was introduced, or when the first Source Engine showed up - we are to an extent, they just aren't as obvious - but it's amazing to think that we've come from PSX and SNES graphics to this in just 20 years.

What do you think is the best looking game out there at the moment?