No Online Co-op For Halo 3

No Online Co-op For Halo 3

Bungie has confirmed two-player co-op mode for Halo 3 and rumors suggested a 4 player co-op is underway, but the sad truth is Halo 3 co-op mode will be available for LAN and split-screen only.

"We're not dumb", said Bungie's Frank O'Conner. "We know that people want it and we're trying to make it happen. I think the biggest problem for us for online co-op is that we have a situation where you can be in a Warthog with five troops, almost a mile away from the other player. That's a significant challenge. And there's lots of design things you could do to prevent that from happening, but they would make it not feel like Halo anymore. If we can make it happen in a way that works well, we will - and if it works badly, we won't".

O'Conner also suggested that online co-op could become a possibility via downloadable content post release.