No Man's Sky isn't all friendly creatures and rainbows

No Man's Sky isn't all friendly creatures and rainbows

No Man's Sky promises endless exploration around an ever changing universe of literally trillions upon trillions of planets, all randomly generated with their own flora and fauna and potentially even intelligent civilisations too. However it won't be all butterflies and herbivores - the universe can be a dangerous place.

That's right, No Man's Sky has a survival component to it. If you want to visit harsh alien worlds you might need to build somewhere to live in. Or at least some sort of base camp to return to now and again.

Some of these planets have freezing temperatures, or are located far too close to the sun. Maybe they don't have an atmosphere, or no nutritious foods for you to eat. There's also the potential for hostile local creatures and possibly even space faring civilisations like your own, who can shoot you out of the sky.

Think you can survive in No Man's Sky? You don't have long to wait to find out, as the game launches on August 9 on PS4 and then PC a day later.