No Man's Sky early preview claims it's monotonous, only 30 hours long

No Man's Sky early preview claims it's monotonous, only 30 hours long

One of the biggest features of upcoming, procedurally generated, space-faring adventure title, No Man's Sky, is that it has hundreds of hours of content. Whether it's open galaxy exploration, the randomly created planets, wildlife and cities to investigate, quests, battles, mining - you name it this game is supposed to have it. The word on the digital street has been that it has upwards of hundreds of hours of gameplay potential.

But that may not actually be the case when the game launches in a few days' time, as one person who's gotten their hands on the game early claims that even if you do just about everything in the game, including spending many hours exploring all of the new and varied worlds, the game really only takes around 30 hours to breeze through.

That's still a decent amount of time of course, especially considering the game comes from a small, British, indie studio, but it's not quite what players were promised.

"I have done A LOT of what the game has to offer. I actually intentionally took time out of my warp jumping over the course of going to the middle to explore planets to break up the monotony of it," he said on Reddit.

"This does not mean I have done all of the major events, however – I am still yet to swim to the bottom of a big ocean. I am still yet to destroy a space station. I definitely still have stuff to do."

But for the most part once you've reached the centre of the galaxy you have hit the end-game, which he doesn't see much point in playing around with. Some of that reasoning is to do with bugs and balancing, which is a problem with just about every game, but No Man's Sky's issue is its lack of content, which is amazing considering its size.

Of course this is just a preview by one, non-professional gamer. No Man's Sky may be quite different when we all get our hands on it in just over a week.