No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned

No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned No Far Cry 2 Demo Planned

Most open world games don't offer game demos, and it seems that Far Cry 2 won't be any different.

"Even if we put invisible walls around it and said, 'Here's the demo, you can go anywhere you like inside these walls and play it how you want' - that's potentially right there eight-to-ten hours of gameplay", said Far Cry 2 creative director Clint Hocking. "I don't know too many people who are willing to give away a 12-hour game for free."

For comparison, GTA IV didn't have a demo too, but for the opposite reason; as Rockstar games believed that a small portion won't convey the true feeling of the huge game.