Nintendo: Wii To Live Longer Than 4 Years

Nintendo: Wii To Live Longer Than 4 Years

By now, we've all been accustomed to Sony's announcements that Playstation 3's lifespan should be more than 7 years, but to hear the same thing from Nintendo (about their own Wii, of course) was a little unexpected.

Speaking to investors President Satoru Iwata said that he has "to wonder if it is all right to think that this current generation of hardware will have a four-year lifespan just because the past generation's lifespan was four years."

"I believe a different time cycle must be considered", he followed up.

"Accordingly, we would like to offer new proposals one after another as long as that hardware can still provide fresh and pleasant surprises", Iwata concluded. "If such efforts can be resulted in the prolonged lifespan of a hardware, that is good to us."