Nintendo Warns: Switch Trailer Doesn't Show Actual Games

Nintendo Warns: Switch Trailer Doesn't Show Actual Games

As usual, internet legions poured over Nintendo's Switch reveal video to extract all information and tips hidden in it. It looks like those efforts have been misplaced as Nintendo now clarified that the video was meant to showcase the Switch's capabilities without showing actual games or gameplay.

"This video is all about explaining how the Nintendo Switch works," a Nintendo UK spokesperson told Eurogamer. "We wanted to convey in a self-contained video how Nintendo Switch represents a new era for video game systems enjoyed in front of a TV, by letting gamers play anywhere, anytime, with anyone they choose. It adds the mobility of a portable system to the power of a home gaming system."

"At a later date, before the March launch, we'll be talking about things like exact launch date, and of course, the games. You shouldn't assume what you saw on the video represents actual game footage and further specifics on first-party games will be provided later."

The Nintendo Switch trailer showed the console running Zelda: Breath of the Wild footage, a new Mario title, Splatoon, Skyrim, and an NBA2K game. Of those, only Zelda is a confirmed launch title. In fact, both Bethesda and Take-Two have already asserted that Nintendo's video doesn't represent confirmation for their games getting released on the platform.

For its part, Nintendo has previously confirmed a new Mario title for the Switch, but the footage in the trailer might not represent its final gameplay.

The Switch is scheduled for release in March 2017.