Nintendo Turned Down PlayStation As A SNES Add-On

Nintendo Turned Down PlayStation As A SNES Add-On Nintendo Turned Down PlayStation As A SNES Add-On Nintendo Turned Down PlayStation As A SNES Add-On

Back in the 80's and early 90's, Nintendo literally owned the console gaming market with its NES and SNES. At that time, Sony designed the original PlayStation as a simple peripheral for SNES but its partnership negotiations with Nintendo failed.

The SNES PlayStation was a simple add-on which allowed SNES to play CD media. Sony and Nintendo failed to reach an agreement to work on the peripheral together, so Sony decided to expand it into the full-fledged PlayStation console which ended up dethroning Nintendo.

Sony built a limited number of SNES PlayStation units and it was though that none of them has survived until an Assembler forum member named Dnldbld has shared a video showcasing one. Apparently, he acquired it from his father "who knew someone at Nintendo."