Nintendo pays homage to Miiverse ahead of service's closure

Nintendo pays homage to Miiverse ahead of service's closure

Nintendo is soon set to close down its Miiverse platform for the Wii U and 3DS, so to celebrate its long-running community platform it has created a new channel on the Miiverse called "Everybody's Message community" which brings together everyone so that they can reminisce about the service, post messages of appreciation and share any artwork and posts they fondly remember.

The Miiverse began life as part of the official Nintendo Network of online services on the Wii U in the latter-half of 2012, eventually joined by a 3DS portal in 2013 and a web portal shortly after. It was an attempt by Nintendo to create a brand new social network exclusively for its user base of gamers. Considering it was competing with some monsters of multi-platform nature like Facebook and Twitter in some respects, it was a bold choice that for the most part paid off. It had a few scandals, but it enabled a lot of people to connect with one another over their shared games and passions and lead to the creation of a lot of great artwork and the fostering of many long-running communities.

Now though with it set to close its doors on November 7, Nintendo is keen to give it a proper send off. You can visit the Everybody's Message Community yourself if you want to pay your respects or see some of the great art people are putting out to say farewell to the beloved service.

At the time of writing there appears to be more Japanese and Chinese artwork than English, but that may just be the way it works out with the timezones. Even with the Eastern characters though, the imagery is very community orientated and you get a real vibe that the service will be missed, even if Nintendo is looking to build beyond the Miiverse on its Switch platform.

Do you have any fond Miiverse memories?