Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals

Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals Nintendo Patented Some Crazy Wii Peripherals

Patents filed by Nintendo with the European Patent Office in May 2006 have been released to public, revealing several ideas Nintendo had for new Wii Peripherals.

Some of the patents are indisputably ridiculous, like having the WiiMote stuffed inside a teddy bear or a skateboard.

The patents included filings for an early version of the Wii Zapper which has already been released, but it also include details for a baseball bat WiiMote accessory which will never see the light due to Nintendo's safety concerns.

The most interesting (and reasonable) patent revealed is the one regarding a WiiMote Recharger Unit.

The patents are available as pictures in the screens tab.