Nintendo NX rumored to be releasing in 2016

Nintendo NX rumored to be releasing in 2016

As much as we're fans of the Wii U's decent library of games, specifically a few of the stand out exclusives, Nintendo's latest console has been its worst performing to date. It's managed to sell over 10 million systems, but considering both the Xbox One and PS4 have sold far more than that and had a year less to do it in, clearly Nintendo isn't building any momentum with it.

That's why there's a lot of talk at the moment about the company's next console, currently codenamed Nintendo NX. While it refuses to say much in terms of official announcements, there is a rumour going around that in-fact we could see the console as soon as next year.

This is according to a report from Digitimes, which states that Nintendo told select partners earlier this year that 2016 would see the release of the new system and that it's been working to find the right manufacturer to put it together. Ultimately it settled on the popular Foxconn, which produces many of Microsoft's and Apple's systems, though it's been said that Pegatron has been trying to secure some of the contracted production too.

It's also being reported that Nintendo is looking to sell as many as 20 million NX consoles in its first year. That seems a little dubious, as it would be almost double all of the Wii U's that have been sold since the system released. On top of that, if the NX does release next year it would be completely out of sync with the other systems, so unless very affordable, it's unlikely many people would buy it over an Xbox One or PS4 when they have more established communities.

In short, as much as this rumour is interesting, I'll be surprised if we see the NX next year.