Nintendo Labo makes the Switch cardboard compatible

Nintendo Labo makes the Switch cardboard compatible

If you thought Google Cardboard was a clever way to leverage corrugated cardboard to create an affordable new accessory, you'll be doubly impressed by Nintendo Labo. That out-of-nowhere product line utilizes sturdy cardboard to create everything from fishing rod controllers, to robotic backpacks, to miniature pianos. The idea is you build them up and then slot your switch and Joy-Cons into them, thereby making an impressively functional toy out of something that's very economical.

It's really one of those concepts that's a little hard to describe. You're better off just watching the trailer:

Termed "Toy Cons" -- a play on the Joy-Con controllers that the Switch employs --house, fishing rod and a few other options and the Robot Kit, which will focus on creating the robot backpack set. They will be priced at $70 and $80 respectively.

Nintendo also heavily emphasized customization with the new Labo accessories, showing that the cardboard can be colored in, or have stickers and accessories applied to them. Those are sold separately through the same official Nintendo channels, and come in tape and sticker form, with letters, logos and other emblems available.

Nintendo Labo is slated to become available on April 27, with more kits expected to debut in the months that follow if everything proves successful. From early fan responses, it seems likely it will.