Nintendo Confirms Christmas Wii Shortage

Nintendo Confirms Christmas Wii Shortage Nintendo Confirms Christmas Wii Shortage Nintendo Confirms Christmas Wii Shortage

Unable to produce Wii fast enough to meet demand, Nintendo has increased their console production several times last year. " We have been sold out worldwide since we launched", said Reggie Fils-Aime, president of Nintendo of America. "Every time we put more into the marketplace, we sell more, which says that we are not even close to understanding where the threshold is between supply and demand".

6 weeks ago, megagames reported that this supply shortage will continue for the rest of 2007. 2 weeks ago, Reggie Fils-Aime promised that North America would be receiving "unprecedented" levels of stock during Christmas; but today he admitted that this won't happen.
"We're working very hard to make sure that consumers are satisfied this holiday, but I can't guarantee that we're going to meet demand. As a matter of fact, I can tell you on the record we won't", stated Fils.

"The issue is not a lack of production. The issue is we went in with a curve that was aggressive, but the demand has been substantially more than that. And the ability to ramp up production and to sustain it is not a switch that you flick on."

Reggie then offered a free advice to Wii fans who want to get one this Christmas. "They ought to talk to the manager and ask them, "When do you get your deliveries?" And they ought to stop by on a frequent basis. We're going to flow hardware. It's not that it's going to show up only on one occasion. It's going to be constantly flowing in."