Night Club MMO Opens Doors

Night Club MMO Opens Doors Night Club MMO Opens Doors

The first virtual night club, called The Lounge, opened its doors this week and claims it offers a mix between World of Warcraft and Myspace to players.

In order to visit the club you have to download the game file from the official website, link available by following download tab above, and creating an account. Your presence in the club is manifested through a character which you create using the game. You can select your character's sex, clothing and hairstyle in order to suit a particular fashion trend while you also have access to more socially significant options such as body posture.

Once in the club your character can dance--using a range of moves approved by a choreographer hired by the game's creator--and interact with other patrons. The in-game chatting is carried out using AOL's instant messenger and a prompt appears over the player who has something to say. Visitors will also have a buddy list option and an ignore list which will keep unwanted parties away. There is no fighting or any sexual activity allowed while blowing a kiss to another visitor is the raciest the game gets. Later versions will include bouncers who will serve as moderators in the club while plans to allow holding hands have also been announced.

This title is not a great game, graphically it is basic and your activities are limited to walking, dancing, chatting and chillin' in the Jacuzzi, it is however, a smart idea which aims to capitalize on the growth of the MySpace generation. The social networking website now has over 70 million members while gaming is also a growth industry. The Lounge is free to join and hopes it will give young people form rural areas a chance to experience the nightlife of an urban center, without the riots and muggings.