Niantic teases Legendary Pokémon in Go this Summer

Niantic teases Legendary Pokémon in Go this Summer

Some sort of Legendary Pokémon may finally be coming to Pokémon Go, a year after the augmented reality game was initially released. Although developer Niantic hasn't exactly spelt it out for players, it has hinted that this summer will be " Legendary," suggesting that long-time players may finally get a chance to bag one of the Pokémon Universe's rarest creatures.

"I can say with certainty that we will see more of that this year," said Niantic's CEO, John Hanke in an interview (via NintendoEverything).

During the chat Hanke also discussed areas of the game which are still being worked on. He admitted that improving cooperative play and gym battles was a major focus for Niantic, claiming that the game's initial released was somewhat unfinished in that respect. Later this year, he said that we can expect a major overhaul of the way players take over and control gyms, to make it less "limited."

Other improvements said to be coming in the future include the much-requested fan features for inter-player battling and trading, something that is a cornerstone of traditional Pokémon games. Hanke didn't say how Niantic planned to implement those features but did say it was something they were actively working on.

Unfortunately, one part of the interview which hasn't pleased fans, was Hanke's comments on cheating. He claimed it wasn't Niantic's responsibility to prevent third party sites from gaming the system, instead claiming that players were simply cheating themselves out of the experience.

Many fans, however, have quit the game because of cheaters. But that doesn't seem to be something Hanke is too concerned with.