New Ways To Join Halo 3 Beta

New Ways To Join Halo 3 Beta

The end of 2006 saw a very ambitious Halo 3 Beta Test announcement by Microsoft but the reference to a first stage in the "participation process" has left fans wondering what the other stages may be. Well now we can all rest easy as Microsoft has announced another two ways which Halo fans can use to join the beta testing of Halo 3.

The simplest, if most expensive, way to get yourself on the Halo beta train will be to purchase a specially marked copy of Crackdown for XBox 360. The game will launch in the US on February 20, the Asian territories on February 22 and Europe on February 23.

The other, more elaborate, way is to successfully complete the Rule of Three challenge. The challenge requires young hopefuls to complete the absolute minimum of three hours of Halo 2 multiplayer sessions over Xbox Live between February 1 and February 3. Upon completing this challenge players are required to register at The Rule of Three program is open only to US residents age 17 and older. The first 13,333 players to register will be accepted into the beta.

Perhaps more surprisingly, Bungie has used this week's lack of an update to inform fans that it plans a pre-beta test phase which will be staffed through the process of recruitment via the Bungie community. The developer promises that all fans will be considered, Bungie will be tapping active members of our worldwide community to help us transition from the ongoing internal alpha multiplayer testing. Our hopes are to call into service experienced and active players of Halo 2 on Xbox Live, along with people who spread Bungie love (in safe, hygienic ways) and foster our community.

This pre-beta will be a great chance for hardcore fans of the franchise to experience the new game and according to Bungie it is hoped that a few thousand testers will be required, improving the odds even further for fans.