New Tom Clancy Game Teaser Torturing Fans

New Tom Clancy Game Teaser Torturing Fans

Ubisoft has announced a new website with clues about the next Tom Clancy title. The new site gives out almost none, but fans have already discovered plenty.

According to fan speculations, the new game is most probably a new series on its own. The game (might) take place during a major war in the 2020s. The war takes place in Europe and USA and the US capital is moved to Boston. Reverse immigration, from the USA to China, Mexico, and Canada (probably more) is occurring and The CIA, FBI, NSA, and the Pentagon have been relocated. Nuclear bombs may have been detonated.

Fewer details are available regarding the unnamed game hero whom fans agreed to call JSF. It seems that JSF was shot during a fight in Italy and that his whole family has been killed.

An official announcement of the new title and more details are expected soon. Stay tuned.

A link to the Teaser website is available through the download page.