New Sonic game coming in 2017

New Sonic game coming in 2017

On top of celebrating his 25th birthday this past few days, Sonic is beavering away on a new adventure, set to release sometime in 2017. Although the specifics of what the game will be about are unknown at this time, fans will be hoping its a return to form for the high-speed hedgehog, as few of his recent efforts have been anything close to as successful or important as the original trilogy.

Eurogamer has it that the announcement of the new game was made by head of Sonic Team development at Sega, Takashi Iizuka. He didn't detail much about the game, though no doubt he'll be looking to avoid some of the mistakes made with Sonic Lost World and Sonic Boom, neither of which really ignited the fan base.

While the heyday for the series was certainly back in the mid-90s, perhaps the best bet for any future developments are to go in a more Sonic Adventure route. The multiple level styles, mashup of characters and mini-games and of course the endlessly fun Chao Racing - something like that could perhaps capture some of the Sonic audience which may have been lost over the years.

What would you like to see in a future Sonic title?