New Shadow of War gameplay gives greater look at siege gameplay

New Shadow of War gameplay gives greater look at siege gameplay

Monolith Production's Shadow of War isn't coming out until August this year, but as we get closer to that date we're seeing more and more of the game. In the latest video to come out of Gamespot, we get another look at the Fortress Assault gameplay, where the journalist takes a swing at their own siege, bringing along their favorite orcs with them.

Expanding on the ally Nemesis system from the original Shadow of Mordor, Shadow of War gives you not only a greater variety of orcs to bring on to your team - including trolls, cavalry and ranged experts - but more diverse personalities too. You'll get to have some banter with the ones you choose to bring along for the assault and which ones you pick will alter gameplay too. If the enemy has particularly tough walls and gates and you don't bring someone adept at knocking them down, you're going to have a tough time.

Whoever you bring though will still help you out. They'll slay the enemy forces and even kill opposing warchiefs for you. As we saw in the very first gameplay reveal for Shadow of War too, you can even call them in to help when taking on the big boss off the fortress.

Attacks are shown to have more elemental effects in this video, with fire based slams and frozen stun attacks. That does take away from the whole 'wraith' feel of Celebrimbor's abilities but does at least mean the attacks are a little more distinct.

What do you guys think of how Shadow of War is coming along?