New Call of Cthulhu images released

New Call of Cthulhu images released New Call of Cthulhu images released New Call of Cthulhu images released New Call of Cthulhu images released

Frogwares Studio and Focus Home Interactive have been working on a game in Lovecraft's Mythos for a while name, naming it after the much loved tabletop RPG and tale of classic sea-bound horror: Call of Cthulhu. We haven't seen much of it as of yet though, which is why these new screenshots are so tantalising.

Although not one with a stomach for horror games, this writer can't help but take a peek at what's on show; like Pickman's horrific paintings, we just have to know.

The screengrabs on show give us an insight into what sort of environments we can expect from the investigative horror title: small, localised areas, where clues must be discovered, witnesses interrogated and mysteries uncovered.

That's not to say we won't step outdoors once in a while though. Our player must take a ferry of sorts to arrive in DarkWater, the town where much of this mystery takes place in. Whether it bears any relation to other Lovecraftian towns, like Arkham, Innsmouth or Dunwhich, remains to be seen.

Considering Frogware's experience developing the regularly praised, though not exceedingly popular, Sherlock Holmes games, we would expect it to do a decent job with Call of Cthulhu, though we hope that the threat will remain just out of reach, as any gun play involved will shatter the illusion that Lovecraft's horror is supposed to weave throughout the player's senses.