New Bioware Shadow Realms trailer teases more

New Bioware Shadow Realms trailer teases more

Bioware has released a new trailer for its upcoming Shadow Realms project that we really know very little about. The new live action video doesn't tell us much either, but it does continue chugging the hype train along.

Like the last trailer we saw, the theme in this one is that "you've been chosen," for what, is unclear at the moment, but it doesn't seem like something pleasant.

In this one we see a young man sitting in a cafe, ignoring his consistently ringing smartphone. After hanging up on the person several times, his phone ultimately explodes and the ceiling lights start raining sparks. As he steps back and covers himself, the camera pulls back to outside, where a hooded individual watches from.

The screen then fades to black with the sentence, "do you know they are watching?" and a link to the main website.

Annoyingly, the site it links to is down at the moment, so it's difficult to learn more, but know that EA and Bioware have been very cryptic with this game. There's been no footage shown, no big announcement, just an email sent to EA users with a link to the video.

The original trailer showed a strange dream sequence and a man in a suit, with smoke for a head.

What do you guys think this new game will be about?