Never played Destiny? This 90 minute video breaks down its story

Never played Destiny? This 90 minute video breaks down its story

With Destiny 2's release just over a week away, there is a lot of talk from players new and old about jumping in at the deep end and slaying some alien invaders. But what if you never played the original Destiny? There's years worth of lore they've missed out on. How can they feel engaged in the story the same way as those who played it all along?

Fortunately, one Youtuber is here to help us all out. My name is Byf has put together most of the custscenes and videos from Destiny and combined them with breakdowns of various lore and story elements from the game and its expanded universe to create an entire history of Destiny and its world.

There are some story elements that were excluded, especially with some of the more side-quest and DLC offerings which don't affect the main story of the game, but ultimately this should give you a solid breakdown of what's been happening, so you too can dive in and help Guardians bring the fight to their new foe in Destiny 2.

Are you guys big Destiny players? If so, how important to you feel the story is?